
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Golden French Toast

Easily one of my all-time favorite coffees that I've ever purchased for the Keurig is the Green Mountain "Golden French Toast." I first had this coffee in the winter of 2011. I discovered it at my local Bed, Bath, and Beyond when I was browsing the coffee section. This past winter I had my eyes peeled, because as you can see it is a limited edition and is only available around the holidays. I never saw it in stores or even on the Keurig website. The only way I found it sold this year was in a Holiday pack sold at Kohl's with Gingerbread and Spicy Egg Nog. I wasn't a huge fan of either of the other flavors, so it bummed me out that I had to buy a 48 pack that included two other flavors I didn't love as much. They're not bad, but not as good as Golden French Toast! We went through two holiday packs and the first thing to go was the Golden French Toast.
The good news is that, for whatever reason, I noticed that you can buy the Golden French Toast individually on the Keurig website now. I'm not sure when they made it available, but I was super happy about it. The other two flavors were available separately, so I wondered why the GFT wasn't available as well. The other place that I found it, after I had already wasted money on the Holiday packs, was Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I love this coffee for the simple fact that it gives all the flavor of french toast. It's slightly sweet and buttery, just like french toast.
My creamer pairing, which may sound odd, is Coffee Mate's Pecan Praline.
I don't know what it is about this combo, but it's to die for. I think it's the syrup-like quality flavor that it has. I've tried GFT with other flavors, like vanilla, but nothing tastes quite as good as Pecan Praline. I'm not sure whether Pecan Praline is a holiday flavor, because it doesn't say limited edition like other holiday flavors. Either way I suppose it's a match made in heaven if they're both holiday flavors, since they come out at the same time. I highly recommend both of these, but hurry before they're gone!! You may even find Pecan Praline at a discounted rate since the holidays are over. I found another Pecan Praline, after I had used a good 2 or 3 bottles already this holiday season, just last week and it was discounted with the other holiday flavors. I've only seen them in the smaller bottles, which is kind of a downside because I always seem to use the creamer before the box of coffee is gone. I was lucky to find another Cinnabon creamer at the same time I found the Pecan Praline, so I'll probably give that combo a try. Let me know what you think!

xx Anna

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