
Thursday, April 25, 2013

OPI That's Berry Daring

So I know I said the next time I posted it would be about the colors that I'll be packing in my suitcase, but I thought I'd squeeze in one more regular post before I did that! I figured you guys wouldn't mind ;) Anyway, I dug up a color I don't think I wear very often. I figured why not? I won't see my full collection for 5-6 months (my husband will be deployed in December, so I'll be home during that time). This color is a hot pink almost fuchsia color.
I actually forgot how much I like this color. It applies really easily and could even be used with only one coat. The reason it's not coming with me is because it's just a solid color. If it had some shimmer, then we'd be talking. Like I said, I like it but it's also something I don't think I've worn for probably a year. The polishes that are coming with me are ones that I'm constantly going back to.

Maybe I'll love it more when I don't see it for another 6 months. We'll see! It might be a color I just give to my mom. I'll keep you guys posted on my next update. I'm hoping for Friday evening or at least by the end of the weekend. I'm excited to share the colors I've officially decided will be making the trip to Hawaii. :)

xx Anna

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