
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Essie Barefoot & Topless

Happy Sunday! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready to begin a new week. As you've been able to tell, I typically paint my nails on the weekend. I find it relaxing, not to mention that I'm typically too busy during the week. I've started narrowing down the colors that will be making the trip to Hawaii with me and one color-family I have yet to look into is the nude colors. Being fair-skinned, I think nudes can be challenging to pull off.
I'll admit, when I bought this color it looked different. I don't hate it, but I don't really love it either. I'll probably change colors in a couple days. Since I'm only to have such a large selection of colors, there's no point in wearing a shade if I don't love it. Maybe if I get a bit of a tan (ha! fair skin, remember?) it will look better. I was reading somewhere that nude polishes are the best to wear because they elongate the fingers and don't age the appearance of hands. I'm not overly concerned about it because I'm still young, but it's an interesting idea regardless.

Like I said, it's not bad....but it's a little too close to the color of my skin. I have one other nude that's slightly darker that I definitely feel like I need to try now just to see the difference. I'll most likely have a new post in a couple days :)

xx Anna

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