
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cinnabon Creamer: Hit or Miss?

I've said before how much I love to vary my coffee, which is why I love my Keurig. The Keurig brewing system allows me to choose my coffee based on my mood by being able to have five or six different flavored coffees at a time. I would think that the average coffee drinker with a traditional drip system would only have a couple types of coffee in their cabinet. I'm also someone who loves to try new coffee creamers. I think I have at least four or five in the fridge right now. I know that sounds bad, but like I said, coffee is my thing so I don't mind that I have a few too many bottles of creamer. I was in the grocery store the other day, not necessarily shopping for a new creamer, but I was drawn to the refrigerated section anyway. I started at the top shelf and then worked my way down, only seeing things that were either currently in my fridge or I had tried before.....until I spotted the International Delight Cinnabon flavored creamer.
You may not be able to tell by the picture, maybe you can, but I first of all have to comment on the packaging. I feel like bottled creamers typically are boring or average as far as packaging goes, but I think whoever was involved with the packaging design of this particular creamer deserves a raise. Because it is a somewhat brighter color, my eyes were instantly drawn to it. The bright-ish turquoise color makes it nearly impossible to overlook. I instantly placed this beauty in my shopping cart and was on my way.

One of the things I think about before buying certain flavored creamers is "Do I have anything that this would go with?" If yes, I don't hesitate to put it in my cart. If not, I try to think of something I could get to go with it. The big bottles of creamer can seem intimidating, especially if it's a flavor you don't know if you like yet. However, if I'm looking at a limited edition creamer (like this one) I don't hesitate to buy it and then will just buy a particular flavored coffee later to go with it. I'm hoping that ID decides to keep this flavor, and not make it limited edition, because I have seriously fallen in love with it. This is by far one of the best flavored creamers I have tried this past holiday season.

When I open a new bottle of creamer, there is typically a little plastic type thing on the bottle. I'll be the first to admit that I will taste the creamer when I take this plastic off. I'm going to throw it away anyway, so why not taste the product itself? I have to say that when I tasted this creamer alone, it tasted just like the icing that is typically packaged right along with cinnamon rolls. I was in absolute heaven.

The first type of flavored coffee I chose to pair with this Cinnabon flavored heaven was a cinnamon pastry flavored coffee, naturally. I have literally had this pairing every morning for the last week. I only have two of the cinnamon pastry k-cups left, so this morning I decided to try the creamer with a creme brulee k-cup. I have to say that even with the creme brulee coffee, it was seriously good. The creme brulee/Cinnabon pairing was definitely sweeter than the cinnamon pastry/Cinnabon pairing, but that isn't a bad thing. Obviously I like creamer in my coffee, so sweetness isn't an issue :).

I purchased both of these flavors directly from the Keurig website:

If you can get your hands on this creamer, do so and do it fast! I purchased mine at my local Kroger.

Happy Sipping,

xx Anna

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